[pypy-dev] pypy's INSTALL_SCHEME

Michal Vyskocil mvyskocil at suse.cz
Tue Nov 19 11:21:37 CET 2013


I found pypy's behavior of pypy setup.py install --prefix=/usr quite
surprising as it installs all files to /usr/site-packages, which is not
the most expected location. But distutils/commands/install.py says so

'pypy': {
    'purelib': '$base/site-packages',
    'platlib': '$base/site-packages',
    'headers': '$base/include',
    'scripts': '$base/bin',
    'data'   : '$base',

which does not makes a sense to me as /usr/site-packages is not in
default sys.path

$ pypy -c "import sys; print(sys.path)"
['', '/usr/lib64/pypy-2.2/lib_pypy/__extensions__',
'/usr/lib64/pypy-2.2/lib_pypy', '/usr/lib64/pypy-2.2/lib-python/2.7',

and all distros will refuse to install files into such location. Can't
be it changed to point to pypy's own site-packages directory?

Michal Vyskocil
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