[pypy-dev] List of finished NumPy functions // Progressbar

Yaacov Finkelman yeomanyaacov at gmail.com
Fri Nov 15 15:50:34 CET 2013

Is this roughly what you are looking for?
It was linked to on http://morepypy.blogspot.com/ a while ago.

On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 6:04 AM, anatoly techtonik <techtonik at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Please CC.
> I am looking for that table of supported and not supported NumPy
> functions in PyPy. I expected to find it here, but it is missing -
> http://pypy.org/numpydonate.html
> It is also interesting to see NumPy status as a progress bar that
> consists from the area of all highlighted blocks with function names
> that are scattered over the page. It will be possible to add some
> complexity indicators to these blocks and they will directly affect
> which area of the progress bar is covered by this block. The biggest
> blocks can then be decomposed into smaller ones, which may not carry
> only function names, but rather task/research steps to be done to make
> the stuff operational.
> If this visual decomposition is implemented, it will enable focused
> parallel development, and include more people, as more people will be
> able to see where can they help.
> --
> anatoly t.
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