[pypy-dev] Preparing for the release of PyPy 2.2

Tobias Oberstein tobias.oberstein at tavendo.de
Tue Nov 12 02:36:33 CET 2013

Hi Armin,

> manpower: we would need someone involved with Windows, OS/X, or the BSDs.

Firstly, I could offer to operate a FreeBSD buildslave for PyPy.

The current one fails ("libssl" missing) and seems very old (FreeBSD 7).

We (Tavendo) operate 2 slaves for the Twisted project (buildbot based).

I have already asked there, since ideally I'd like to operate 1 slave (box) for both Twisted _and_ PyPy.

That would allow running Twisted trial against nightly PyPy's - which might come handy fixing stuff.

Twisted would welcome running 3 Twisted bots: CPy (supported), PyPy/stable (supported) and PyPy/nightly (unsupported).

I am lobbying for having PyPy 2.2 (not less) built from vanilla release sources as the "stable/supported".

The buildslave would need to run behind NAT .. as this is an office box running the slave inside a VM.

So would that be welcome?


PS: Rgd the kqueue "issue": I could address that. "address the issue" == FreeBSD. I don't care OSX .
But honestly, I don't think it's serious ... see my comments on the issue. So it'd be low prio in
my overfull queue;)

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