[pypy-dev] Memap in numpypy

Amaury Forgeot d'Arc amauryfa at gmail.com
Fri Jun 14 17:08:37 CEST 2013

Hi, this is definitely doable, but needs some work.
Here are the tasks I identified:

- copy "memmap.py" from the official numpy, and write a unit test (there is
a nice docstring in the previous file)

- add support in numpy for buffers with a fixed address
  (in interp-level terms: a RWBuffer with a get_raw_address() method)

- have buffer(mmap) return such a buffer, very very similar to

The three tasks are quite independent, not too difficult, and could be a
nice start for newcomers...
I'll be happy to help.

2013/6/14 Mike Beller <mike at tradeworx.com>

> Hello
> Do you think it is likely that the memap capabilities of numpy will find
> their way in to numpypy any time soon?
> It seems to me that some people think memap is a relatively unimportant
> aspect of numpy.  But I do not think so.  Because of the way the linux IO
> subsystem and virtual memory systems interact, memap enables numpy to have
> high performance access to very large data sets -- it helps make numpy
> relevant to "Big Data".
> The code to allow numpy to support memap doesn't seem very large.  But,
> while I have tried reading through the code, I really can not tell whether
> the same is true for numpypy, or whether it is a large endeavor (for
> example, due to some kind of pypy memory management architectural issue).
> I'm interested in any input on this.
> Mike Beller
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Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
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