[pypy-dev] translating pypy benchmarks to C

Armin Rigo arigo at tunes.org
Sun Feb 24 22:14:48 CET 2013

Hi Ghitulete,

So are you saying that you don't want to use CPython because it's C,
and you want to try C-less alternatives, or at least things that don't
use libc?  Then look elsewhere.  An RPython program (which is
definitely something different than a Python program) is translated to
C code that uses libc.  Changing this would be possible, but certainly
not less work than, say, changing CPython to not use the libc.  Which,
I seem to recall, has been done long ago in an experiment of "booting

Either way, I'm rather sure that this has nothing to do with seeing
how fast Python runs.  Using a regular PyPy is more or less the
fastest known way to run full pure Python code, so far.  If you're
rather interested in restricted subsets of Python or other Python-ish
languages, then yes, RPython is one of them, and others have been
mentioned in this thread.

A bientôt,


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