[pypy-dev] os.uname() in rpython/memory/gc/env.py

David Schneider david.schneider at bivab.de
Sat Aug 10 17:28:30 CEST 2013

Hi Armin,

On 10.08.2013, at 13:43, Armin Rigo <arigo at tunes.org> wrote:

> Can anyone check if this makes sense for
> cross-compilation?  E.g. if cross-compiling for ARM, say, would not
> end up with the host x86 platform here?  In other words, what is
> os.uname() returning when called from a Python running inside the
> cross-compilation environments we use?

with the cross-compilation we use, this change would lead to picking the information of the host machine and not of the ARM target itself. Eventually something like detect_model_from_c_compiler from rpython/jit/backend/detect_cpu.py might be useful to check for the machine, which uses the (cross-)compiler to do the check.


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