[pypy-dev] Pypy MIPS port

Maciej Fijalkowski fijall at gmail.com
Fri Apr 26 11:04:49 CEST 2013

On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 9:53 AM, Alexis BRENON <abrenon at wyplay.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm doing an internship into the Wyplay company. My internship subject is to
> try to port pypy to MIPS architecture, to make it run on their boxes.
> I see that there was somebody who launched this idea two years ago, but
> nothing was done... I would like to relaunch it today.
> If I understand the Pypy project architecture, all I have to do, is
> modifying the 'rpython/jit' directory, adding a 'backend/mips' directory,
> able to generate the JIT compiler for MIPS architecture, I don't ?
> There is, after, a tiny modification to generate the mips options in the
> makefile, for the C file compilation.
> Am I right ? If not, anyone can explain me what I misunderstood ?
> Regards.
> Alexis BRENON, for Wyplay <http://www.wyplay.com/>
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Hi Alexis.

It's very cool, MIPS is certainly one of the missing ports.

In fact, it's less than that. Most of the rpython/jit directory does
not have to be modified. It's 'just' rpython/jit/backend/mips and some
support code in rpython/jit/backend/llsupport and that's it.

The good starting point would be to add an empty MIPS backend and try
running test_runner.py (like in backend/x86/test/test_runner.py or
ARM). Are you familiar with ARM or x86 assembler? That would be a very
good starting point to see how the current backends are implemented.

Feel free to pop in on #pypy on irc.freenode.net, we're very
irc-based. Is the part of the plan to contribute the MIPS backend to
the pypy repo?


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