[pypy-dev] about PyPy's sandbox

Jonathan Slenders jonathan at slenders.be
Mon Apr 8 09:25:40 CEST 2013

Hi 王衡,

Normally you can use any library you want in the sandbox, as long as
it doesn't use C-code; all the pure-python stuff should work.
Add the library's parent directory to the virtual root in sandlib, and
make sure that pypy will search for that directory. (Add it to
sys.path in the sandbox, or use PYTHONPATH -- I think.)

There are however some things that appear not to work. I never got
datetime.datetime.now() working. Logically this would be a system call
and could have been handled by a do_ll_os...-function in sandlib.
However I never noticed any such call for retrieving the current time.
 Any ideas...?

Another known issue is that libraries which use _struct, will not
work, unless you translate the sandbox with this module included. They
say however that inclusion of this module could be dangerous. I which
for a safe version of _struct that could be used in the sandbox. Can't
we have a pure-python version of _struct? (Even with the performance
degration, it would be very helpful as quite a lot of libraries depend
on this one.)


2013/4/7 王衡 <kurskk141 at gmail.com>:
> Hi:
> About PyPy's sandbox,I want to ask you a question:
> In PyPy's sandbox ,a lot of standard libraries can not be used.If I want use
> it,how could I add it in PyPy's sandbox?
> (you can assume I have verify the module's safety)
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