[pypy-dev] understanding and fixing rtyper warnings

wlavrijsen at lbl.gov wlavrijsen at lbl.gov
Thu Apr 4 01:20:51 CEST 2013


say I have something like this during translation:

[rtyper:WARNING] SomeInstance(can_be_None=True, classdef=pypy.interpreter.baseobjspace.W_Root) can be null, but forcing non-null in dict key
[rtyper:WARNING] SomeInstance(can_be_None=True, classdef=pypy.interpreter.baseobjspace.W_Root) can be null, but forcing non-null in dict value
[rtyper:WARNING] SomeInstance(can_be_None=True, classdef=pypy.interpreter.baseobjspace.W_Root) can be null, but forcing non-null in dict key
[rtyper:WARNING] SomePBC(can_be_None=True, const=None, subset_of=None) can be null, but forcing non-null in dict value

what are my chances to find out whether a) my code is responsible, and b) if
there's anything that can be done about it? I.e. is there are way of getting
more information, like file name and line number?

I tried finding the locations where I do not enforce can_be_None=False and if
the result is put in a dictionary, but there's nothing that stands out.

WLavrijsen at lbl.gov    --    +1 (510) 486 6411    --    www.lavrijsen.net

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