[pypy-dev] Developer selection for Py3k

Philip Jenvey pjenvey at underboss.org
Fri Jun 29 21:39:05 CEST 2012

On Jun 28, 2012, at 4:08 PM, Antonio Cuni wrote:

> Hi all,
> as you probably know, the Py3k [1] proposal is getting funded thanks to our
> generous donors.
> During the first round, three of use were selected: me, Alex Gaynor and
> Benjamin Peterson.  However, due to unforeseen unavailability of Alex and
> Benjamin, we are now looking for one more developer to help with the py3k work.
> If you are interested in getting paid to work on the Py3k proposal, please
> apply by replying to this email.
> To be applicable you need to be an experienced PyPy developer, preferably with
> a previous experience on the Python Interpreter part of PyPy.

If it was a few months ago I'd be up for this, unfortunately I'm not available now. I'll let you know if that changes.

Philip Jenvey

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