[pypy-dev] A proposal about Numpypy missing functions

Timo Paulssen timonator at perpetuum-immobile.de
Sun Jun 17 20:46:30 CEST 2012

On 16.06.2012 16:03, Daπid wrote:
>  Another example is the random module, easy to port using list
>  comprehension and the random module from the standard library. In
>  any case, based on the benchmarks I have seen, I think the pypy
>  version would be even faster than the pure CPython+Numpy.
>  Would you be interested in a sub-optimal port of those functions? In
>  my opinion, it is better to have something not great (that could be
>  improved) that nothing at all. If so, what should I do?

Hello Daπid,

I remember having written a random module for numpy based on stdlibs random 
module, but somehow it didn't make it into numpypy. Does anyone know where it went?

Writing that is a bit problematic, though, unless you know how to make all those 
distributions work based on a stream of random bits. I didn't at that time.

>  Regards,
>  David.

   - Timo

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