[pypy-dev] Biting off more than I can chew

Greg Bowyer gbowyer at fastmail.co.uk
Tue Feb 21 00:46:52 CET 2012

The other night I got this burning desire to recreate the Azul GPGC (the 
java pauseless collector) inside pypy, with a view that it could be used 
alongside the STM work to make pypy a low (no?) pause concurrent VM.

When I started tackling the code I realised I might have bitten off a 
little more than I can chew.

My question (probably one of many to irritate and annoy all the fine 
folks here) would be, is there a sensible way to compile into pypy a 
small amount of C code that can be used to bootstrap and bridge some 
esoteric c libraries into pypy, the code that I want to run, on startup 
of pypy would be the following 

I have noticed that there are a few bridges into direct c code in the 
pypy source, but I cannot fathom how these are linked into RPython

-- Greg

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