[pypy-dev] CFFI speed results

Armin Rigo arigo at tunes.org
Thu Dec 27 10:44:13 CET 2012

Hi Elefterios,

On Wed, Dec 26, 2012 at 4:24 PM, Elefterios Stamatogiannakis
<estama at gmail.com> wrote:
> The problem was that giving directly a pypy string to above function (using
> wchar_t type), only the first character of the string was passed to SQLite.

Do you mean you unexpectedly got only the first character?  That would
be a bug.  Can you tell me what you did?

Normally, you should be able to pass a unicode object directly to a
"wchar_t *" argument and get a complete wchar_t-encoded string.  (Note
that wchar_t is 16-bit on Windows but 32-bit on Linux, for example.)

A bientôt,


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