[pypy-dev] Dependence Graphs in Pypy?

Tim Henderson tim.tadh at gmail.com
Wed Aug 8 20:12:14 CEST 2012

Hi Pypy devs!

I am a graduate student working on mining software repositories,
specifically mining programming patterns (or rules) from code bases.[1] I
would like to do some work mining patterns from Python programs and I could
jump start that work if I could generate dependence graphs from python
source files (or from the bytecode).

So I was wondering if Pypy does this already. Actually it would be a big
help even if pypy only generated a control flow graph. From my quick skim
of some of the source code it seems like it does this for RPython but I
wasn't sure about regular python. If I could get a CFG I could then
annotate it with the data dependence edges.

Any pointers to where I should look in the Pypy code would be appreciated!
Additionally, if you feel having python pDG's would be helpful in Pypy's
interpreter perhaps any work I do towards that end could be a starting

Thanks for the excellent work on Pypy!

[1] Here is some of my research group's previous work on pattern extraction
http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/smr.532 (if you can't get the paper and would
like it let me know)

Tim Henderson
mail me: tim.tadh at gmail.com
mail me: timothy.henderson at case.edu
github: github.com/timtadh
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