[pypy-dev] Fatal RPython error: MemoryError

Massa, Harald Armin chef at ghum.de
Tue Aug 7 10:23:57 CEST 2012

> What occurs then in PyPy is that when we are out of memory, we can
> really not allocate any single object at more.

outside of programming there is the concept of having a secret backup
("nest egg"). Would'nt it be a solution to preallocate some bytes on
startup for really, really bad times?

As "really, really bad times" this kind of memory error would qualify.
So there should be made  a special case "if you are out of memory, to
handle this out of memory error, use the preallocated bytes from the
secret backup you made on startup".



Harald Armin Massa
Spielberger Straße 49
70435 Stuttgart

Amtsgericht Stuttgart, HRB 734971

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