[pypy-dev] bounties for pypy

Lionel Barret De Nazaris lionel at gamr7.com
Thu Sep 15 13:59:20 CEST 2011

Add EUR200 to that.

Where do I pay ?

Best regards,
Lionel Barret de Nazaris
Gamr7 - CEO
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On 08/15/2011 03:03 PM, Ian Ozsvald wrote:
> I'll re-open this earlier thread...Didrik Pinte of Enthought is
> offering to match my suggested £600 donation towards a numpy-pypy
> project. He's offering it in a personal capacity (i.e. not as an
> Enthought activity) out of his own pocket (and my donation would come
> out of my Consultancy). His offer came out of a discussion on pypy's
> merits at the London Financial Python Usergroup meet a few weeks back.
> So, you've got £1,200 via two individuals ready as a gift towards
> numpy integration, as/when someone can use the money. I won't promise
> that my gift will always be available as my personal situation may be
> changing in the next 6 weeks (so please - if you can use it - ask for
> it soon!).
> Regards,
> Ian (UK)
> On 29 June 2011 14:16, Ian Ozsvald<ian at ianozsvald.com>  wrote:
>> I'm glad this thread is up. Laura - I'm the chap from Armin's talk who
>> offered a monthly retainer for a year towards numpy integration (in my
>> mind I'm offering £50/month for 12 months). I spoke to you later and
>> you mentioned the flattr site but having to do it each month is a bit
>> of a pain (I know it is simple but I don't want to think about it...).
>> So, for the record, I have £600 sitting here with someone's name on
>> it, I'll account for it as a marketing expense or something out of my
>> company. I'm a one man consultancy, PyPy doesn't directly help me as
>> I'm an A.I./science researcher (so I need numpy, IPython, matplotlib
>> etc) but I believe strongly that it will help all of Python (and me in
>> part) over time, so it is worth pledging some of my earnings towards
>> the goal of eventual numpy integration.
>> If I can pledge it to someone or a project then that's cool, if I
>> should just move the money to someone's account then that's cool too.
>> I'm quite happy to have my name down as ContributorNumber1ForNumpy if
>> it helps you spread the word.
>> Ian.
>> ps. I posted the v0.1 PDF of my High Performance Python tutorial this
>> morning (it is based on my EuroPython training session). It has a
>> section on PyPy and I'd happily accept input if that section should be
>> expanded: http://ianozsvald.com/2011/06/29/high-performance-pyethon-tutorial-v0-1-from-my-4-hour-tutorial-at-europython-2011/
>> On 29 June 2011 08:53, Laura Creighton<lac at openend.se>  wrote:
>>>> The idea was also to possibly attract new developers ... for example, if
>>>> there would be "10 days in money" for adapting py2exe, I am sure many wou
>>>> ld
>>>> jump to solve this puzzle.
>>> This is sort of a bad example.  Because py2exe embeds CPython, and
>>> we wouldn't want to do that.  So what we would probably want to do is
>>> to make some general tool that willmake a windows binary, or a
>>> mac one, and get rid of the need for bzfreeze and friends.  So now
>>> you are looking at a general embedding solution, and that is more
>>> than 10 days worth of work.
>>> But I get  the idea.
>>> <snip>
>>>>> my dream was of a trustee service: after somebody commits to do the wor
>>>> k,
>>>> the pledgers have to pay to a trustee. then the work is done. then the
>>>> trustee pays the worker.
>>> This is one of the things I want to talk with fundedbyme about.  But
>>> having an explicit trustee is a new idea.  I think the pypy core
>>> developers are already rather well trusted in this community, but
>>> this may be important to new developers who aren't as well known.
>>> And it handles the problem' of 'I got sick and cannot do this  any
>>> more' more gracefully than other solutions.
>>>> Hmmm.... a structure could be:
>>>> - service provider does the technical stuff, as in:
>>>>    # website
>>>>    # collect pledges
>>>>    # handle project description
>>>>    # collect money
>>>>    # distribute money after feature completion
>>> fundedbyme has sort of indicated an interst in doing this (except
>>> they were talking about distribution before, and I was leaving
>>> project description to the project, not outsiders).  I will follow
>>> up on this when I get back home to Sweden.
>>>> - PSF / pypy-foundation / whateverfoundation provides the trust
>>>> Thanks for confirming the need for such a thing!
>>>> Harald
>>> Thanks once again for seeing a marketing solution that nerds like
>>> us often miss.
>>> Laura
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>> --
>> Ian Ozsvald (A.I. researcher, screencaster)
>> ian at IanOzsvald.com
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