[pypy-dev] Translating pypy-1.7 with -O0

Armin Rigo arigo at tunes.org
Thu Nov 24 13:10:11 CET 2011

Hi David,

On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 19:53, David Naylor <naylor.b.david at gmail.com> wrote:
> The binary, however, does not work and core dumps when started with:

This looks like a misuse of libgc.  If you really care, you need to
read the docs of Boehm to see if they say anything specific to FreeBSD
and to the way the generated code calls it, e.g. maybe we are missing
some initialization function that is required on FreeBSD but not on
Linux.  (But again, I don't think we care about Boehm that much,
except for testing.)

A bientôt,


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