[pypy-dev] New pypy website

Armin Rigo arigo at tunes.org
Fri Nov 18 12:49:45 CET 2011


I don't really care about the website design, and I will generally
tend to prefer what I'm used to over something new.  But the fact is
that I really prefer *a lot* the existing pypy.org over the new one.
It is html-as-expected: pages with reasonably-sized text that contain
reasonably-colored links, all with a minimal clean design.  (We can
argue over the content, which needs a bit of clean-up, as usual.)  The
new website, on the other hand, is definitely of the
lots-and-lots-of-magic style.  I dislike the approach of putting all
information *somehow* accessible by opening some sub-tab by clicking
in some clever place in the middle of the page.  How can we even have
a url that directly references the installation instructions?  So -1
from me.

I also fail to see the point of listing all twitter entries that use
the word "pypy", because it's usually unrelated.

A bientôt,


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