[pypy-dev] cpyext: Detecting pypy and other issues

Antonio Cuni anto.cuni at gmail.com
Mon May 2 08:30:18 CEST 2011

Hello Roger,
I'm not "the" cpyext expert here, so I'll let the others to answer your
specific questions. However:

On 02/05/11 06:55, Roger Binns wrote:

> Unfortunately disabling the JIT wasn't much help.  My goal is to produce the
> best bug report possible and use the least amount of the pypy team's time.
> (It is a lot easier to fix and understand things starting from a good bug
> report.)  What would be most helpful is if the cpyext page gave some
> instructions to follow in particular making an appropriate pypy and using
> valgrind.  (Usually making valgrind work well requires extra options above
> and beyond regular debugging builds.)

you are right, we lack such a document. Do you feel like writing it? :-)
(seriously: you are by far in a better position than us for knowing what could
or could not help a newcomer.  Even if you don't know the answer of all the
questions, having a document with XXX that we can fix would be valuable).


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