[pypy-dev] ideas for Google Summer of code

Jacob Hallén jacob at openend.se
Thu Mar 17 23:30:15 CET 2011

torsdag 17 mars 2011 22.30.05 skrev  Antonio Cuni:
> Hi Wim,
> On 17/03/11 19:33, wlavrijsen at lbl.gov wrote:
> > Hi Anto,
> > 
> >> - <insert-your-idea-here> :-)
> > 
> > the Reflex work has at one time before been proposed as a GSoC. Now that
> > a prototype is in place, there are several minor tasks that can be done,
> > which can lead to bigger/more research tasks as desired/appropriate.
> good idea!
> > How does this work anyway, do you need to come with your own student?
> not necessarily. At this stage, the goal is to collect ideas which are
> reasonable, then publish it and see which students are interested in them.
> However, nothing stops you to suggest a student of course (especially if
> you already know him and you are confident that can do the job well).

We should also note that mentors are the really scarce resource. If yoiu are 
willing to mentor a student, the chances of this being a GSoC project 
increases dramatically.

Jacob Hallén

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