[pypy-dev] Change to the frontpage of speed.pypy.org

Massa, Harald Armin chef at ghum.de
Wed Mar 9 14:19:22 CET 2011

I really, really like the new display!

And it motivated me to dig into the data ... which is a great result on its own.

The first question for myself was "hey, why is it slow on
slowspitfire, and, btw, what is slowspitfire? Could that be something
that my application does, too?"

But I was unable to find out what slowspitfire is doing ... I found
spitfire, which does some HTML templating stuff, and deducted, that
slowspitfire will do some slow HTML templating stuff. Where did I
click wrong? Is there a path down to the slowspitfire.py file or an
explanation what slowspitfire is doing?


Harald Armin Massa
Spielberger Straße 49
70435 Stuttgart

Amtsgericht Stuttgart, HRB 734971
et programmare

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