[pypy-dev] PyCon Finland Oct 17-18 in Turku -- CFP

Laura Creighton lac at openend.se
Thu Jun 16 16:01:25 CEST 2011

We should give a talk. It's even _close_ to some of us. :-)


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Return-Path: conferences-bounces+lac=openend.se at python.org
Delivery-Date: Thu Jun 16 14:39:35 2011
From: Jyry Suvilehto <tiedottaja at python.fi>
To: tiedotus at python.fi, pigfi at googlegroups.com,
        python-stockholm at googlegroups.com
Subject: [Conferences] PyCon Finland 2011 Call For Proposals

PyCon Finland will take place October 17-18 in Turku. The first day
will feature presentations and the second is reserved for sprints.

We are currently accepting proposals for both talks and sprints. If
you would like to give a presentation, organize a sprint or see
presentations on a particular topic, please see instructions at
http://python.fi/pyconfi. The deadline for proposals is 1.8. The
organizers will notify accepted presenters and sprint coordinators by

The presentation slots will be 40 minutes + 10 minutes of discussion
at the end. Shared sessions are also possible. The language for the
presentations should be English to encourage international

We are also looking for sponsors for the event. If you are interested
in sponsoring, please contact Python Finland at hallitus at python.fi for
details about sponsorship packages.

- -- 
Jyry Suvilehto
Spokesperson, Python Finland
Conferences mailing list: Conferences at python.org

This is an open list with open archives; sensitive or confidential information should not be discussed here.

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