[pypy-dev] PyPy is much slower than CPython example / question

Alexander Petrov alexandervpetrov at gmail.com
Fri Jul 8 01:03:20 CEST 2011


I'm new to PyPy and was trying to run some tests to see orders of
speed improvement.

Short script generating list of prime numbers using rather
straightforward implementation of Eratosthene's sieve.
Script: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/432727/

Typical results: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/432733/
(I thought that is due to absense of SSE2 on first computer, but I've
rechecked on Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L5520 @ 2.27GHz with similar

I'm getting that CPython is nearly 4-8 times faster than PyPy.
Is it a bug in PyPy or what is wrong (may be "specific" to PyPy) in my script?


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