[pypy-dev] New version of Codespeed (0.7) for speed.pypy.org

Miquel Torres tobami at googlemail.com
Fri Jan 21 08:49:50 CET 2011


Yes, branches are a pending item that has been requested a couple of times now.

The current solution is actually not to abuse an environment like you
say, but to create a new project for a branch. That way it gets
cleanly separated, and in a way branches are like different projects.
But it is of course not optimal. Technically it is very easy to come
up with several solutions (add a branch dimension, for example), but
interface-wise it is not easy to find something that doesn't clutter

So one idea would be:
- Every revision has a branch associated to it (a problem though is
that subversion has the same revision number for all branches, while
mercurial and git not)
- Branch would be a selectable parameter on the left menu box, just
like executables or environments
- You would be able to compare a branch using the comparison view, but
another possibility is that the timeline view doesn't have branch as a
radio button, but as a checkbox. That means that a plot is associated
only to an executable and environment, and that you can choose to
display either all branches in the same plot (trunk or master + any
branch) or only the ones you select.
- There are problems with this approach. In the Changes view, when you
select a revision that doesn't have results for the currently selected
branch, nothing would be displayed. You would need to blindly search
for your results. An option is to always display all branches for a
revision, but sometimes a revision will contain results for a branch,
sometimes for others.

Another idea would be to associate executables to a branch. This
avoids the problem in the Changes view. But it is not really much
different from the current solution of creating a different project
for each branch.

I would gladly hear other ideas.


2011/1/20 Antonio Cuni <anto.cuni at gmail.com>:
> Hi Miquel
> On 20/01/11 22:00, Miquel Torres wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I want to announce the release of Codespeed 0.7, the version which is
>> now powering speed.pypy.org
> wow, that's very nice, thank you once more :-).
> From my side, there is only one feature that I miss a lot, which is the
> possibility to benchmark a branch.
> IIRC, at the moment if you just run benchmarks on a branch, they are
> appended to the list of results, which can be a bit confusing especially if
> you look at them weeks later.
> I think that maybe it's possible to do it by (ab)using an additional
> environment, but probably a more builtin solution is better. Do you have any
> idea/opinion/suggestion on this?
> ciao,
> Anto

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