[pypy-dev] google should build a pypy phone or someone

Dima Tisnek dimaqq at gmail.com
Tue Feb 15 18:22:04 CET 2011

The real answers:

1. Google bought Android (company)
2. Java allows execution of untrusted 3rd party code
3, maybe, Java was "mature" around the time of acquisition, python 2.4
was released and there was psyco, but that's x86 only, when Android
Inc started I guess they didn't have a serious python option at all.
tools like IDEs and debuggers and hoards of underpaid Java developers
in the wild surely contributed too.

This topic is really not for pypy.
My 2c.

On 15 February 2011 03:25, holger krekel <holger at merlinux.eu> wrote:
> Hi all,
> what do you think or know why Google choose Java over Python for
> its Android system?  Surely, Python doesn't have a big track record
> in terms of targetting mobile devices.  Also CPython is limited
> in how it can change and adapt i guess.  I imagine PyPy could do much
> better.  Wouldn't it be cool to have a totally python-based
> state-of-the-art phone? :)
> cheers,
> holger
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