[pypy-dev] RPython

Armin Rigo arigo at tunes.org
Thu Dec 8 10:11:36 CET 2011


On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 06:30, Rinu Boney <rinu.matrix at gmail.com> wrote:
> where can i get more information on rpython ( i have already seen what is
> written in the coding guide! ) ?

The coding guide describes the basics, and we have a number of
examples of small interpreters besides the Python interpreter of PyPy,
which you can look at.  There is nothing like a lengthy tutorial or an
article about RPython precisely, sorry.  I think that the way to go is
to write your RPython program[1] in normal Python while roughly
following the guidelines set in the coding guide.  Then when you try
to translate it you will see errors that may help refine your

[1] which I assume is an interpreter of some sort; it can of course be
anything, but well, for "anything", please use either plain Python or
(if you really need performance) another language like C, C++, Java,

A bientôt,


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