[pypy-dev] status of scheme implementation

Juergen Boemmels boemmels at web.de
Fri Aug 26 19:17:50 CEST 2011

Hi Armin,

>Hi Juergen,
>On Sun, Aug 21, 2011 at 3:15 PM, Juergen Boemmels <boemmels at web.de> wrote:
>> I just found the scheme implementation
>> https://bitbucket.org/pypy/lang-scheme/
>> but there is no history besides the initial import.
>> Is this maintained? I.e. is it usful to send patches for improving this?
>As you may have noticed by now (sorry for the delay), no, this is not
>really maintained any more... You are welcome to get direct access,
>if you want to improve it. Just make an account on bitbucket (if
>needed), and tell us your username.

I just created an account on bitbucket. Username is "boemmels"

Let's see what I can do with it.

>> I attached the two patches (one to pypy/pypy and one to pypy/lang-scheme)
>Thanks! I can see how the patch to packrat is useful, indeed.
>Checked in. I will leave the patch to lang-scheme for you to check in

Ok, will do that


>A bientôt,

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