[pypy-dev] maintaining pypy.org docs, was: PyPy download/install page

Tom Roche Tom_Roche at pobox.com
Wed Aug 3 16:50:39 CEST 2011

Tom Roche Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 3:32 AM
>>> I suspect you'd get more contributions from a wiki: HTML feels kinda
>>> heavyweight these days.

and there are so many fewer gotchas !-(

Armin Rigo Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 8:21 AM
>> Did you actually edit the file download.html? Bah, it looks like some
>> communication problem. If you understood "you have to edit the .html
>> file by hand" then fijal was unclear

"Unclear"? How 'bout "unduly terse"? Or, "did not mention *anything* about the following:"

>> We edit download.rst, which is a ReST file out of which the .html is
>> generated...

Maciej Fijalkowski Wed, 3 Aug 2011 09:24:16 +0200
> I think it's download.txt



about which there is exactly *nothing* (am I missing something?) in


!!! So here's my suggestion: while I get yatiblog (see below--or has that part of the process changed?) and edit


, how 'bout youse do 2 things:

1 edit/commit the attached

> DO NOT EDIT any of

> pypy.org/*.html

> !!! Those files are all generated from

> pypy.org/source/*.txt

> so edit those. For more details about the process, see

> pypy.org/source/README

  for the benefit of the next person who tries to help with the doc. Please add whatever a reasonably-skilled person new to your process would need to know--and then, maintain it when your process changes! </sermonette>

2 (unless I'm missing something) fix

> You can get necessary software by doing:

> 	pip install yatiblog

> (tested with version 1.0) you can do:

>     yatiblog -o ..

> you'll get html output in the parent directory. you need an account
> Then you can check it in, login to pypy at pypy.org
> and go to pypy.org/htdocs/ and type "hg pull -u".

  I say "fix" because, minimally, there is no


  that I can see @


  (The only subdirectories are {css, image, js, source}--am I missing something?) Maximally, I don't know what else has changed since pypy.org/source/README was committed: just make it accurate enough.

FWIW, Tom Roche <Tom_Roche at pobox.com>
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