[pypy-dev] Fatal RPython error: AssertionError

Arnd Rechenburg Arnd.Rechenburg at tomtom.com
Wed Dec 22 18:00:10 CET 2010



I have the following problem:


Python 2.5.2 (e503e483e9ac, Dec 21 2010, 12:02:48)

[PyPy 1.4.1] on linux2


RPython traceback:

  File "implement_54.c", line 21229, in send_bridge_to_backend

  File "implement_61.c", line 14547, in Assembler386_assemble_bridge

  File "implement_63.c", line 44979, in RegAlloc_prepare_bridge

  File "implement_64.c", line 15487, in RegAlloc__update_bindings

  File "implement_38.c", line 60625, in

Fatal RPython error: AssertionError


Any help would be appreciated.




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