[pypy-dev] Trunk failing to build?

Dan Stromberg drsalists at gmail.com
Sat Dec 11 05:30:32 CET 2010

Does today's trunk fail to build?

I'm getting the following on what I believe to be an unmodified trunk:

[Timer] Timings:
[Timer] annotate                       --- 1178.9 s
[Timer] rtype_lltype                   ---  691.9 s
[Timer] pyjitpl_lltype                 --- 1287.3 s
[Timer] backendopt_lltype              ---  621.4 s
[Timer] stackcheckinsertion_lltype     ---  101.2 s
[Timer] database_c                     ---   11.8 s
[Timer] ===========================================
[Timer] Total:                         --- 3892.4 s
[translation:ERROR] Error:
[translation:ERROR]  Traceback (most recent call last):
[translation:ERROR]    File "translate.py", line 290, in main
[translation:ERROR]     drv.proceed(goals)
[translation:ERROR]    File
line 812, in proceed
[translation:ERROR]     return self._execute(goals, task_skip =
[translation:ERROR]    File
line 116, in _execute
[translation:ERROR]     res = self._do(goal, taskcallable, *args, **kwds)
[translation:ERROR]    File
line 288, in _do
[translation:ERROR]     res = func()
[translation:ERROR]    File
line 508, in task_database_c
[translation:ERROR]     database = cbuilder.build_database()
[translation:ERROR]    File
line 157, in build_database
[translation:ERROR]     sandbox=self.config.translation.sandbox)
[translation:ERROR]    File
line 65, in __init__
[translation:ERROR]     self.gctransformer =
[translation:ERROR]    File
line 494, in __init__
[translation:ERROR]     annhelper.finish()   # at this point, annotate
all mix-level helpers
[translation:ERROR]    File
line 240, in finish
[translation:ERROR]     self.finish_annotate()
[translation:ERROR]    File
line 259, in finish_annotate
[translation:ERROR]     ann.complete_helpers(self.policy)
[translation:ERROR]    File
line 176, in complete_helpers
[translation:ERROR]     self.complete()
[translation:ERROR]    File
line 250, in complete
[translation:ERROR]     self.processblock(graph, block)
[translation:ERROR]    File
line 473, in processblock
[translation:ERROR]     self.flowin(graph, block)
[translation:ERROR]    File
line 533, in flowin
[translation:ERROR]     self.consider_op(block.operations[i])
[translation:ERROR]    File
line 735, in consider_op
[translation:ERROR]     raise_nicer_exception(op, str(graph))
[translation:ERROR]    File
line 732, in consider_op
[translation:ERROR]     resultcell = consider_meth(*argcells)
[translation:ERROR]    File "<3972-codegen
line 3, in consider_op_simple_call
[translation:ERROR]     return arg.simple_call(*args)
[translation:ERROR]    File
line 174, in simple_call
[translation:ERROR]     return
obj.call(getbookkeeper().build_args("simple_call", args_s))
[translation:ERROR]    File
line 677, in call
[translation:ERROR]     return bookkeeper.pbc_call(pbc, args)
[translation:ERROR]    File
line 662, in pbc_call
[translation:ERROR]     results.append(desc.pycall(schedule, args,
[translation:ERROR]    File
line 275, in pycall
[translation:ERROR]     inputcells = self.parse_arguments(args)
[translation:ERROR]    File
line 255, in parse_arguments
[translation:ERROR]     raise TypeError, "signature mismatch: %s" %
[translation:ERROR]  TypeError': signature mismatch:
get_L2cache_linux2() takes exactly 1 argument (0 given)
[translation:ERROR]     .. v1047 = simple_call((function get_L2cache_linux2))
[translation:ERROR]     ..
[translation:ERROR] Processing block:
[translation:ERROR]  block at 3 is a <class
[translation:ERROR]  in
[translation:ERROR]  containing the following operations:
[translation:ERROR]        v1047 = simple_call((function get_L2cache_linux2))
[translation:ERROR]        v1048 = simple_call((function
best_nursery_size_for_L2cache), v1047)
[translation:ERROR]  --end--
[translation] start debugger...
> /home/dstromberg/src/pypy-src/pypy-for-trunk-builds/trunk/pypy/annotation/description.py(255)parse_arguments()
-> raise TypeError, "signature mismatch: %s" % e.getmsg(self.name)

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