[pypy-dev] Why isn't the PyPy logo Ouroboros(Snake biting its tail)?

Carl Friedrich cfbolz at gmx.de
Mon Oct 19 15:05:15 CEST 2009

Leonardo Santagada wrote:
> On Oct 19, 2009, at 9:08 AM, Victor Stinner wrote:
>> Le dimanche 18 octobre 2009 20:32:07, Khalid Shahin a écrit :
>>> The current PyPy logo seems kind of plain. And Ouroboros is a  
>>> symbol of
>>> snake biting its tail and represents a cycle, a re-creation of  
>>> itself, or a
>>> self-reference. Which would fit nicely in the PyPy logo.
>> I read somewhere that PyPy is no more a project dedicated to Python,  
>> but it's
>> a little bit more generic. If the project is splitted in two parts  
>> (generic
>> compiler + python interpreter), Ouroboros would be the logo of the  
>> python
>> interpreter, right?
> Separating the pypy translator/compiler from the pypy python  
> interpreter (preferably with different names) is something I would  
> love to see happen. The first thing you have to say to someone when  
> explaining pypy is "pypy is two completely different (but related)  
> things..." so different logos and names would help a lot.

While I agree, to do this we would have to come up with a name for the 
translation toolchain part. And coming up with names is even harder than 
coming up with logos.

> But who should get the Ouroboros logo I don't know.

The Python interpreter part of course.


Carl Friedrich

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