[pypy-dev] Some Newbie Questions

Phyo Arkar phyo.arkarlwin at gmail.com
Wed Nov 26 12:29:10 CET 2008

Hi Pypy Devs!

I love python so much and I am so exicted by this ambitious project!

What I understand about this Project is to develop a version of python
, which is written in Pure Python .  SO now , i do not have C Skills
but I can Develop , Tweak , Make changes to python Just in Python , Am
I Right? SO In Future , it is possible that Guido himself will be
developing python in PyPy ?

Question : I have to use Python Or  RPython?

Also  By doing so , We can convert Python to Any langauge of Choice ,
which is very interesting.

I have build pypy-c with optimization Level 3 and stackless , whcih is
done flawlessly. I have seen benchmarks on one of the page and now
PyPy is even faster then Normal python 2.5 827 vs 810 ms on Richard
Test, it is very interesting .

Question : Resulting pypy-c is python 2.4.1 , is there python 2.5
Version of pypy-c avaliable? I saw a branch about it before by a GSOC
student but now is that already marged ?(my version svn is 4 days ago)

If that arleady marged , how can i build it to get pypy-c with python
2.5 support?

Another Questions is , If i follow my Python code in RPython , Can i
converty RPythonic Code to C and compile ? SO it is possilbe to
convert Existing Python Projects into C (if they follow Rpython)?

If So , how can it be done ? An example , i will be very appreciate .

Another , i compiled pypy-c in stackless , which is faster in term of
pypy-c's perfomance? normal or stackless?

If theres better performance options please let me know.

Also doing  , what are the extra modules added with --allworkingmodules ?

I am hoping in near future , i can help in this project after enough
understanding .



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