[pypy-dev] Windows Testing

Michael Schneider michaelschneider at current.net
Thu May 15 05:35:40 CEST 2008


I think the python version of libffi is a good starting point for windows.  It seems to be one of the few versions with windows support.

When you are successful, let me know, and I can copy .lib .dll and headers up to the windows build slave.

Good luck, and keep us posted,

Thanks again,

Amaury Forgeot d'Arc wrote:
> Hello,
> Maciej Fijalkowski wrote:
>> Hi Amaury!
>> Thanks for doing good job bringing more support for pypy on windows. I
>> think next direction would be to bring more modules to windows, from
>> which I guess _rawffi is the most important (this will bring ctypes to
>> windows platform). I can help you bits with that if you would like to
>> go in that direction.
> Well, I am not a ffi expert, but at least I know how to run the unit tests.
> The first step I see is to get the equivalent of libffi for win32 and
> microsoft compilers.
> My first thought was to steal it from the
> cpython/Modules/_ctypes/libffi_msvc directory,
> do you have other ideas?

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