[pypy-dev] Next sprints

Armin Rigo arigo at tunes.org
Thu Mar 13 09:39:32 CET 2008

Hi all,

This e-mail is about starting the discussion for ideas and plans about
the next sprints.

What we have planned at the moment:

* The next PyPy sprint is going to be a small one at PyCon

* In Leysin, beginning of April, will probably be held a "Paper writing"
  sprint.  Confirmation and more details should come soon (from Michael
  Leuschel and Carl Friedrich).

Another idea I now about is a follow-up Smalltalk-in-RPython (SPy)
sprint (nothing concrete though).

It seems that we could starting planning for a regular PyPy development
sprint soon.  I'm never tired of inviting people to Leysin but I guess
we could pick another location now (additionally, there are many places
where Spring is a nice season, but Leysin is not one of them).

A bientot,


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