[pypy-dev] Tim Bray Blog

Laura Creighton lac at openend.se
Mon Mar 3 19:05:27 CET 2008

In a message of Mon, 03 Mar 2008 16:48:16 +0100, Stephan Diehl writes:
>Hi all,
>just found this (at reddit, what a time waster :-) ):
>At the end, he's saying:
>"Quick Python trivia question: Near as I can tell, Guido works half-time 
>Python over at Google. Is there anyone in the world, aside from Frank and
>Ted, getting paid to work full-time on Python?"
>Within pypy, there are several people to work full time on python, aren't

There was as one time, and we hope there will be again.  But our EU
funding ran out last year.


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