[pypy-dev] How to learn RPython as a general purpose language

Martin C. Martin martin at martincmartin.com
Fri Jan 25 23:19:15 CET 2008

In RPython, you can't call into other libraries, be they C or Python. 
Also, calling RPython from Python is "pretty unofficial and 
unsupported."  Given that much of modern programming centers around 
connecting various libraries together, this makes RPython a poor choice 
for most practical work.

At the moment, the most straight forward way to learn RPython is to 
learn Python, then learn the restrictions of RPython, since RPython is a 
subset of Python.  The easiest way to do this is, basically, keep 
writing Python and seeing what the translator will and won't accept.

Please correct me if I'm wrong; I've only spent a few days looking at 


Josh Gilbert wrote:
> I tried downloading the archives of this list and grepping, but
> couldn't find an answer to this question. If it's been discussed to
> death and I missed it I apologize.
> I realize that it is not recommended to use RPython as a general
> purpose language, a front end to C if you will. My question is how one
> might learn how to do so, regardless. I'm also interested in reasons
> why it shouldn't be done (preferably ones that can be resolved).
> ## References
> I've found a comment on LtU suggesting that it is extremely hard to
> learn, yet a valuable skill if you can cut it:
> http://lambda-the-ultimate.org/node/1260#comment-13972
> I've also found a hello world example from 2006 (humorously labeled part 1):
> http://radix.twistedmatrix.com/2006/12/how-to-do-something-with-rpython-part-1.html
> Josh Gilbert.
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