[pypy-dev] Loops for gcc

Armin Rigo arigo at tunes.org
Wed Jan 23 18:54:10 CET 2008

Hi all,

Some results seem to show that GCC is more happy optimizing "for" and
"while" loops than the equivalent loops written with a bunch of goto's
like we produce in our C backend.  Interestingly, it seems that what
makes GCC unhappy is not the bunch of goto's, but only the absence of
the explicit C-level loop.  Example:

For this piece of C code as someone would write by hand:

        while (n > 0) {

we generate the following instead, which defeats GCC's loop-specific

        cond = n > 0;
        if (cond) goto block2;
        goto block3;

        goto block1;

The smallest change I could find that make GCC produce good code again
is to modify block1 and block2 like this:

        cond = n > 0;
        while (cond) {      /* trick */
            goto block2;
            cond = n > 0;   /* the operations in block1 are repeated */
        goto block3;

        goto block1_back;   /* changed */

GCC doesn't seem to mind that the real body of the loop is not in the
loop at all but somewhere else; I guess it just follows the chain of
goto's and treat the result as equivalent to having the source code
directly within the loop's { }.

So I wrote a quick hack that detects (for now only the innermost) loops
in graphs.  More specifically it finds "loop head" blocks like block1,
and "loop-closing links" like the link from block2 to block1.  It then
produces code like above.  It's in the loops-for-gcc branch.  It's quite
obscure but seems to give a consistent 5% speed-up on pypy-c running

A bientot,


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