[pypy-dev] windows C translation progress - complete with patches for 2/3 of the problems

Michael Schneider michaelschneider at current.net
Mon Jan 14 05:34:20 CET 2008

Hello All,

Hope you are having fun at the sprint.

I have been working on getting the windows translation going again.

There are 3 issues, and I have fixes for 2 of them

1) translator/c/src/stack.h  includes a unix only include file without 
guards,  this is an easy fix.  This include is not used, simply delete 
this #include

#include <unistd.h>

2) translator/c/src/ll_strtod.h   apply this patch to add 
#include<winsock2.h> during a windows compile.  The patch at then end of 
this email will fix
the winsoc2 related compile errors

3) The generated code module_0.c  #includes  <sys/wait.h>   rumor has a 
fix is close for this, so I did not work this.

                                module_0.c(859) : fatal error C1083: 
Cannot open include file: 'sys/wait.h': No
                                such file or directory

Can some kind soul please review and commit these changes?

Thanks, and happy skiing/snowboarding/lounging in a nice place,


#------------------------------------------ start 
Index: ll_strtod.h


--- ll_strtod.h    (revision 50566)

+++ ll_strtod.h    (working copy)

@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@

 #ifndef LL_STRTOD_H
 #define LL_STRTOD_H
+#ifdef MS_WINDOWS
+#include <winsock2.h>
 #include <locale.h>
 #include <ctype.h>
 #include <string.h>

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