[pypy-dev] translate.py failes

Vetoshkin Nikita nvetoshkin at naumen.ru
Thu Aug 28 18:34:51 CEST 2008

Is there a direction, where I could digg to help? Something to begin with.
I don't have enough experience but I'd like to take part (even very 
small) in this project.

Armin Rigo wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 09:13:58PM +0600, ???????????????? ???????????? wrote:
>> Tried to play with pypy, but translating to c failes because of lack of
>> memory.
> This is a known issue.  We will try to implement a workaround.  For now
> you need to have more swap available.  Note that the swap will not
> actually be used if you have>= 2GB of RAM; it is really a limitation of
> some Linux configurations in which a process that consumes about half of
> the total amount of memory+swap cannot spawn new processes because
> os.fork() fails.
> A bientot,
> Armin.

С уважением,
Ветошкин Никита

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