[pypy-dev] New on list

Leonardo Santagada santagada at gmail.com
Wed Sep 26 12:42:57 CEST 2007

Em Sep 26, 2007, às 1:07 AM, Brandon Lewis escreveu:

> Hi, my name is Brandon Lewis. I'm an undergrad Cognitive Science major
> at U.C. Berkeley. I'm currently taking the upper-division compilers  
> class.
> Our final project will be writing a JavaScript interpreter.
> Interestingly enough, we are using Python as the implementation
> language; so, when I discovered this project while looking through  
> some
> python documentation, I was intrigued.
> Mostly just wanted to introduce myself.
Great, if you want to use anything from the PyPy JS interpreter be  
welcome, and if you want to contribute back to that it would be  
perfect. But if you need to start from scratch (because your teacher  
told you to, or for any other reason) we would be happy to help you  

If you have any questions just mail it to the list and/or to me that  
I would be happy to help you get used to the code base.

Leonardo Santagada

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