[pypy-dev] llvm backend status?

Rahul Garg rahulgarg44 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 21 00:21:03 CEST 2007


Thanks for the info :)
My plan is to first use pypy for a few weeks as a user (perhaps writing a
few benchmarks, testing out stuff like AOP, reading the docs on pypy and
psyco etc). I hope to be involved more directly from sometime in october.


On 9/20/07, Leonardo Santagada <santagada at gmail.com> wrote:
> Em Sep 20, 2007, às 7:15 AM, Rahul Garg escreveu:
> > Hi.
> >
> > I recently discovered PyPy and its one cool project in which I
> > would love to
> > be involved in some capacity :)
> GReat just great
> > So I have a bunch of questions about the direction and status of
> > the project
> >
> >
> > a) How is the LLVM backend coming along?
> The LLVM backend is unmaintened for some time, so to ressurect it you
> would need to work a little on it. Recently someone commited some
> changes that made most of the tests passing again using LLVM 1.9 so
> what you would need to do is:
> * update LLVM to use the LLVM 2.0 sintax (specially accepting LLVM
> 2.0 generated code from llvm-gcc)
> * make threads work (I think this was one of the things the last
> commit removed)
> * make rffi work on it (this is a new way to call C code, created
> after the LLVM got unmaintened).
> * Lot's of other little things...
> * profit :)
> > b) What really are the focus areas of the project currently?
> After the eu project ended people took some time off the project to
> recharge the batteries... and now people have started working again,
> and the focus is on cleanups, you can find more on pypy/doc/cleanup-
> todo.txt.
> > c) Any wishlists  ?
> I think that everyone has its own besides cleanup-todo, mine is
> suport for unicode at the RPython level, a new garbage collector, and
> the revival of the LLVM backend, and of course the completion of the
> JIT.
> This is all from someone following the development of pypy from the
> outside, but I think I got most things right :)
> []'s
> --
> Leonardo Santagada
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