[pypy-dev] [pypy-svn] r47040 - pypy/dist/pypy/doc

Maciek Fijalkowski fijal at genesilico.pl
Wed Oct 3 18:55:50 CEST 2007

> Hi friends,
> to what extent has this been discussed?
> If this change is not commonly approved,
> then I'm asking you to change it to a proposed
> addition to the cleanup list, but open for
> discussion.
> This is public information, and before things
> are decided upon, I dislike to see misleading
> statements, which might turn into truth just
> by pretending they were true.
> ceterum censeo carthaginem esse delendam - ly yr's -- chris

Excuse me, if I sounded unfriendly. As far as I remember concern 
regarding moving entirely into rffi was about whether ll2ctypes works. 
At the EP sprint, ll2ctypes was not working to it's full extend, and 
probably contains bugs till this day. So this is just a next step, as 
circumstances have changed. Also we agreed, that we should not depend on 
ctypes if possible, for various reasons, including artificially keeping 
alive code, which is not used by everything else.



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