[pypy-dev] missing things for making PyPy "production" ready (for some value of production)

Tristan Seligmann mithrandi at mithrandi.za.net
Fri Nov 16 16:48:30 CET 2007

* Neal Becker <ndbecker2 at gmail.com> [2007-11-16 09:41:12 -0500]:

> No.  You can use py++ if you like to generate boost::python.  This (py++) is
> fairly new, and I believe relatively few boost::python users follow this
> route.  Most of us write boost::python wrappers by hand (it's usually
> pretty easy).

It may be easy, but it's certainly extremely tedious work. In any event,
there's not that much difference between running a C++ compiler over the
code, and running a C++ parser over the code. Both of these actions are
somewhat impractical to do on the fly, which is unfortunate.
mithrandi, i Ainil en-Balandor, a faer Ambar
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