[pypy-dev] Unusual problem.

Maciek Fijalkowski fijal at genesilico.pl
Tue May 29 18:44:19 CEST 2007

I want to wrap termios lib, also for RPython. everything works quite 
smooth except error reporting.
termios.tcgetattr (and others as well) use termios.error for error 
reporting, which is exception which cannot be used in a translated 
version. Hence my ll_termios_tcgetattr raises OSError
 instead (it's not mentioned anywhere in documentation of termios 
library, nor present in any CPython tests, but well...)

So than arises a problem - ll version rises OSError, while default one 
raises termios.error, which makes everything harder to test (ie the same 
RPython program behaves differently before and after translation). What 
is casual solution here? Also any magic wrapping doesn't work here, 
since termios is a builtin module.


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