[pypy-dev] Status of pypy-c under Windows

Antonio Cuni anto.cuni at gmail.com
Wed Feb 14 18:44:31 CET 2007

Scott Dial wrote:
> Antonio Cuni wrote:
>> I've noticed that most of CLI tests are skipped because the .NET SDK 
>> is not installed: could you install it please, if it's not a problem?
> Not a problem. Done. Most of the tests that were being skipped are 
> causing failures now.. but I was able to translate a pypy-cli without 
> error, so I am convinced I haven't made a mistake. However let me know 
> if I am wrong about that.
> Otherwise notable is the benchmark results I received:
> executable                 richards           pystone          size (MB)
> pypy-cli-38437             75124  123.0x      495.2  109.5x       8.398
> pypy-c-38437                3148    5.2x    11345.0    4.8x       2.527
> python 2.4.3                 610    1.0x    54227.7    1.0x       1.790

Hello Scott,
sorry for the late answer.

I've looked at the failures of gencli under windows: most of them should 
be easy to fix, I'll do as soon as possibile (not before next week, btw).

About the benchmark, I think that the result in wrong, because it's very 
likely that the build couldn't be performed because of a bug in MS ilasm 
I've not yet found a workaround for.

ciao Anto

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