[pypy-dev] news from the logilab internal sprint

Alexandre Fayolle alexandre.fayolle at logilab.fr
Wed Feb 14 12:05:42 CET 2007


We are having an internal sprint at logilab this week. This mail is to
keep you posted about our progress. 

The WP10 work is in good shape. Adrien and Sylvain managed to translate
pypy with the grammar modifications, but the merging will take some
time, I think. They are also working on a pylint checker for rpython which
hopefully will help beginners trying to produce rpython catch some
problems faster than by trying to translate their code. Coming up for
the second half of the sprint is the definition of an API for the
grammar changes, more stuff for "rpylint" and work on the interim

WP09 is making rapid progress (with the writing of a rpython
module for the constraint library, which will be the basis for a mixed
module for CSP) (Aurélien, Alexandre).

Regarding WP11, Ludovic and David have made good progress on the report.
Ludovic has done some work to write a busybox-ish tool in rpython and
an HTTP server. 

Alexandre Fayolle                              LOGILAB, Paris (France)
Formations Python, Zope, Plone, Debian:  http://www.logilab.fr/formations
Développement logiciel sur mesure:       http://www.logilab.fr/services
Informatique scientifique:               http://www.logilab.fr/science
Reprise et maintenance de sites CPS:     http://www.migration-cms.com/
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