[pypy-dev] How's the JIT coming along?

Gary Robinson grobinson at goombah.com
Sun Aug 19 19:40:52 CEST 2007

The docs for PyPy 1.0 it say:

> A foreword of warning about the JIT of PyPy as of March 2007: single 
> functions doing integer arithmetic get great speed-ups; about 
> anything else will be a bit slower with the JIT than without. We are 
> working on this - you can even expect quick progress, because it is 
> mostly a matter of adding a few careful hints in the source code of 
> the Python interpreter of PyPy.

Given the mention of the possibility of "quick progress", I'm wondering where the JIT is 5 months later... does anyone care to give a status report and/or any estimates of when it will be more broadly useful?



Gary Robinson
Emergent Music, LLC
grobinson at goombah.com
Company: http://www.goombah.com
Blog:    http://www.garyrobinson.net

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