[pypy-dev] scheme interpreter

Maciek Fijalkowski fijal at genesilico.pl
Mon Apr 23 20:04:56 CEST 2007

Jakub Gustak wrote:
>> We can try to organize some kind of mini-sprint in Poland if you like to
>> introduce you. As far as I know you're living in Wroclaw, I'm passing
>> through Wroclaw once in a while, so we can arrange one-two days long
>> coding session if you find it suitable for you.
> Well that sounds fun!
> I (my association) can organize a place to work at my university with
> network and some desks. We definitively can do this.
> And by the way, my association is organizing "The 4th Linux Session".
> It is planned on 26th of May. It is, despite the name, generally about
> open software, etc. I am planning to give an introduction talk about
> PyPy. But maybe one of you would like to take over the talk, as long
> as I am a newbie.
> Cheers,
> Jakub Gustak
> :ms

I don't think that actually giving PyPy talk to people who don't know 
python makes sense. Actually PyPy is not very good first python. 
Instead, a general python talk would be more productive (and way better 

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