[pypy-dev] DLS 2006 Call for Participation

Armin Rigo arigo at tunes.org
Mon Sep 11 19:03:27 CEST 2006

Hi all,

Here is the call for participation for the DLS conference.  We have a
30-minutes slot there.


Dynamic Languages Symposium 2006

** Call for Participation **

Portland, Oregon, United States, October 23, 2006


Part of OOPSLA 2006, being held October 22-26 in historic Portland,
Oregon (USA). You can learn all about OOPSLA at www.oopsla.org, and
download the Advance Program PDF at


** Dynamic Languages Symposium Program **

8:30 - 9:30 Invited Talk 1

    Openness and simplicity in dynamic systems implementation
    Ian Piumarta

9:30 - 10:00 Break

10:00 - 11:30 Research Papers 1

    PyPy's Approach to Virtual Machine Construction
    Armin Rigo and Samuele Pedroni

    Runtime Synthesis of High-Performance Code from Scripting Languages
    Christopher Mueller and Andrew Lumsdaine

    Interlanguage Migration: From Scripts to Programs
    Sam Tobin-Hochstadt and Matthias Felleisen

11:30 - 13:00 Break

13:00 - 14:00 Invited Talk 2

    Perl 6
    Audrey Tang

14:00 - 14:30 Break

14:30 - 16:00 Research Papers 2

    Hop, a Language for Programming the Web 2.0
    Manuel Serrano, Erick Gallesio, and Florian Loitsch

    Ambient References: Addressing Objects in Mobile Networks
    Tom Van Cutsem, Jessie Dedecker, Stijn Mostinckx,
    Elisa Gonzalez Boix, Theo D'Hondt, and Wolfgang De Meuter

    Hardware Transactional Memory Support for Lightweight Dynamic
    Language Evolution
    Nicholas Riley and Craig Zilles

16:00 - 16:15 Short Break

16:15 - 17:15 Invited Talk 3

    Data Refactoring for Amateurs
    Avi Bryant


** Dynamic Languages Symposium Invited Talks **

Openness and simplicity in dynamic systems implementation Ian Piumarta

The talk will describe a basis for constructing systems (programming
languages, environments and applications) in which users can be
encouraged to adapt the characteristics of the system to match their
needs (rather than the other way round). Such systems can be evolved
from a pair of abstractions for state (objects communicating by
messaging) and behaviour (first-class functions) that are mutually
supporting: objects form structures representing symbolic expressions
that fully describe the message sequencing and sending that are needed
to implement objects. The result is extreme late-binding (nothing in
the system is immune from dynamic modification) and extreme simplicity
(each abstraction can be written down in a handful of lines of
mathematics, and only slightly more lines of code).

Ian Piumarta is a computer scientist at Viewpoints Research
Institute. He spends much of his time designing and building systems
whose implementations are maximally open, reflexive, dynamically
self-describing and understandable. He can be contacted at squeakland
dot org.

Perl 6 Audrey Tang

Perl is a general-purpose language, known for its vast number of
freely available libraries. The Perl 6 project was started to improve
the language's support for multi-paradigmatic programming, while
retaining compatibility with the existing code base. This talk
discusses how Perl 6 attempts to reconcile various competing paradigms
in the field of programming language design, such as static
vs. dynamic typechecking, nominal vs. structural subtyping, prototype
vs. class-based objects, and lazy vs. eager evaluation. Moreover, this
talk also covers the design and development of Pugs, a self-hosting
Perl 6 implementation bootstrapped from Haskell, targeting multiple
runtime environments, including Perl 5, JavaScript and Parrot.

Audrey Tang is a Taiwanese free software programmer, best known for
initiating and leading the Pugs project, a joint effort from Haskell
and Perl communities to implement the Perl 6 language. She is also
known for internationalization and localization contributions to
several Free Software programs, including SVK, Kwiki, Request Tracker
and Slash, as well as heading Traditional Chinese translation efforts
for various Open Source-related books. On the CPAN, Tang initiated
over 100 Perl projects, including the popular Perl Archive Toolkit
(PAR), a cross-platform packaging and deployment tool for Perl 5. She
is also responsible for setting up smoke test and digital signature
systems for CPAN. Tang is a high school dropout and a vocal proponent
for autodidacticism and individualist anarchism.

Data Refactoring for Amateurs Avi Bryant

Agile software development methodologies such as Extreme Programming
advocate iterative design via incremental, test-driven code extension
and automated refactorings. When the goal is to allow non-developers
to build their own solutions, even in a limited way, this approach to
incrementality becomes even more important -- non-developers generally
have even less of the design experience necessary to make reasonable
decisions up front, and need real use and concrete examples to guide
their decisions. Dabble DB is a commercial data management tool aimed
at casual business users. It encourages users to evolve data models
slowly over time, starting with untyped and de-normalized models and
proceeding to more sophisticated models only as the need becomes
apparent. We introduce a set of data refactorings designed to support
this usage pattern, and show selected examples of their real-world

Avi Bryant is the co-CEO of Smallthought Systems Inc., a Vancouver
startup focused on web-based collaboration tools. He is the author and
maintainer of the Seaside web application framework, and is active in
the open source Squeak Smalltalk community.


Dynamic Languages Symposium is part of OOPSLA, the premier gathering
of professionals from industry and academia, all sharing their
experiences with today's object technologies and its offshoots.
OOPSLA appeals to practitioners, researchers, students, educators, and
managers, all of whom discover a wealth of information and the chance
to meet others with similar interests and varied experiences and

You can mold your own OOPSLA experience, attending your choices of
technical papers, practitioner reports, expert panels, demonstrations,
essays, lightning talks, formal and informal educator symposia,
workshops, and diverse tutorials and certificate courses from
world-class experts. The popular Onward! track presents out-of-the-box
thinking at the frontiers of computing. Posters discuss late-breaking
results, culminating in the ACM Student Research Competition. Try your
hand at solving the DesignFest(R) design challenge. And of course there
are plenty of social opportunities for mingling and professional

Go to the web (www.oopsla.org) today to reserve your place at OOPSLA
'06. See you in Portland!


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