[pypy-dev] Non dynalloc framework roots

Armin Rigo arigo at tunes.org
Sat Sep 9 11:56:27 CEST 2006

On Mon, Sep 04, 2006 at 11:59:48AM +0100, Ben.Young at risk.sungard.com wrote:
> This is mainly for Carl or Michael as it concerns the framework gc, but I 
> was just interested how easy it would be to track the roots without doing 
> any dynamic memory allocation. I came up with the following code, which I 
> am interested to see  how easily it could be translated to llpython or 
> whatever the lowest level is called. 

>     // GC code
>     GCFuncNode node;
>     void** GC_local_vars[] = {&a, &b, &c};
>     GC_push_func_node(&node, sizeof(GC_local_vars)/sizeof(void*), 
>                       GC_local_vars);
>     // end GC code

Yes, it makes sense.  As usual it's not completely clear if it is better
or worse than our current approach.  One thing I fear is that taking the
address of all the local variables is going to kill all gcc
optimizations on them.  A more annoying problem is that - anyway - we
cannot take addresses of local variables in our flow graphs, so far.
There is not even a notion of "all the local variables" of a graph; only
of a block.  It would require quite some tweaking.  If would be nice to
try out...

An intermediate solution between what you suggest and what we do now
would be to still use purely-local variables (i.e. no taking pointers to
them) and save them around calls instead of around the whole function,
but instead of saving to a global stack, save in a precomputed
graph-local Array type with enough items for the maximum number of
variables that need to be saved.  Then, instead of saving/restoring the
roots in the global root stack, they would be saved/restored into the
local Array.

I guess the node and GC_local_vars could both be packed in a single
local var-sized Struct, with a 'prev' pointer, and an Array at the end.
In term of flow graphs, to obtain local variables of Struct type, we use
a 'stack' flavor of malloc:

   v = flavored_malloc(S, 'stack')

It gives you a pointer to an otherwise-invisible local variable of type
S.  In other words in the C code it becomes:

   struct S invisible;
   struct S* v = &invisible;   /* constant pointer used for all accesses */

I'm not sure any more if we support 'stack'-flavored mallocs of
var-sized structures and arrays, but that should be easy to fix.

The meat of the work is to extend the class FrameworkGCTransformer in
pypy.rpython.memory.gctransform.  See StacklessFrameworkGCTransformer
for an example of providing an alternate StackRootIterator.  Its
push_root/pop_root static methods should save/restore a local variable
into/from some place where the StackRootIterator instance can find them
later.  (For now, pop_root can be a no-op as long as we can't support
moving GCs... but hopefully that is going to change soon, thanks to

A bientot,


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